Mark Proctor’s Home Page

Who Am I?

I am a computer software developer working as a contractor. Take a look at my cv for further details. Since my teens I have also had an interest in self-development and understanding how humans can achieve their potential. To this end, I am interested in marketing useful products/services and working with people in achieving their potential in life, sorting out life, career and personal issues.

View my Software Developer CV - Look at my Company Homepage

My Interests and Associated Links

My Family - Photos and news

Neuro Linguistic Programming and Self Development - I am a certified NLP Practitioner and have done courses with Richard Bandler (co-founder of NLP), Paul McKenna and Michael Breen.

Nutrition - I have recently discovered the growing awareness of the detrimental effect of large amounts of carbohydrates in the western diet. Here are some of the links which highlight the evidence: Low Carb and Ketogenic Diet Resources

Music - I play several instruments for personal pleasure and enjoy listening to all sorts of music

Art - I have a growing collection of the works of the British artist Jason Hicklin. Go here to see some of his work.

Wine - Slurp!

Pork Scratchings - I am a pork scratching fan and creator of the Pork Scratching World Web Site


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